Children for Change - a classroom-based fundraiser for Ukrainian relief. But now more - reaching out to anyone wishing to help Ukrainian Montessorians.
Join with about a 1,000 elementary and adolescent Montessori students from across the US who are conducting fundraisers within their schools to support Ukrainian Montessori schools and the greater Montessori community within Ukraine and surrounding countries. Your gift will enlarge the US children’s effort enabling more aid for this support effort.
Our goal is to raise $20,000 by June 30, 2022. 100 percent of the proceeds will be used to aid Montessori schools, children and their families inside Ukraine as well as those in surrounding countries who are helping Ukrainian Montessori refugees.
Please give generously. These children desperately need our support.
Montessori Global Growth Fund is a 501(c)(3) charity. Montessori Global Growth Fund pledges transparency in how donor funds are used. As a non-profit organization committed to maximizing the impact of the funds we disperse around the world, all gifts received will be unrestricted in nature. Donor preferences for project allocation will remain a priority, but funds may be used for other purposes.
Donate by mail with a check or money order
Montessori Global Growth Fund
P.O. Box 670172
Dallas, Texas 75367-9998 USA
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